Texas Ranch Hand Killed at Dangerous, Unguarded BNSF Crossing
(Jolly, Texas – May 14, 2020)
A 60-year-old employee of the Dillard Ranch died about 10:00 AM Thursday morning after his Buick Riviera was struck and overturned by a northbound BNSF freight train. The collision occurred at the dangerous and unguarded private crossing serving the ranch complex.
Robert White of Wichita Falls, TX was killed as a result of the crash. He was thrown from his vehicle, which burst into flames as witnesses dragged his body to safety from the inferno. The victim was just leaving the ranch property and may never have seen or heard the train. At this time, it is unclear if the train horn was ever blown prior to the collision.
The tragedy was the third collision and first fatality at the crossing. The crossing sees a daily average of 18 trains at a maximum speed of 60 mph.
Wichita Falls Times-Record-News Reporter Turin Halsey noted that “The crossing does not have flashing lights or an active warning system (crossing gates), but is marked with railroad crossing warning signage.”