Wisconsin Teen Driver Suffers Multiple Injuries At Dangerous, Unguarded UPRR Crossing
(Baldwin, Wisconsin – June 1, 2012)
A 17-year-old motorist received multiple injuries Friday night about 7:30 P.M. when the car he was driving was struck by a Union Pacific freight train at the dangerous, unguarded crossing of 220th Street and UPRR tracks in the St. Croix, WI County village of Baldwin, WI.
Jordan Nutt of Woodville, WI stopped at the crossing, which has no automatic protective devices such as flashing lights, gates or bells, depending only upon passive signage to “warn” motorists of approaching trains, but his car continued to roll forward, only to be struck by the train.
Nutt was transported to Regions Hospital in St. Paul, MN for treatment of numerous unspecified injuries.as St. Croix County Sheriff’s deputies investigated the accident.
Two previous accidents at the 220th Street/UPRR intersection, which averages four trains daily at top speeds of 50 mph, have resulted in one death and one non-fatal injury.