(Shreveport, Louisiana – November 13, 2011)
The driver of an 18-wheeler escaped without injury in a bizarre series of events that led up to his disabled tractor and trailer being smashed by a Union Pacific freight train. The accident happened at the crossing of UPRR tracks and East Flournoy Lucas Road in southeast Shreveport, LA Sunday afternoon about 4:00 P.M.
There was no train at or near the crossing, which is equipped with both lights and gates, when the truck driver first stopped his rig, and then proceeded across the tracks. While the trucker applied the clutch to move off the tracks his key lanyard became snagged on the shift and broke the key in the ignition causing the truck to stall on the tracks.
As the truck driver attempted to use pliers to remedy the situation, the train appeared, and he ran to safety. The train was down to only 6 mph at impact, but still overturned the tractor and split the trailer in half.