(Biloxi, Mississippi – September 13, 2011)
The as-yet unidentified female driver of a 2004 white Chevrolet Siverado was seriously injured when it was struck by a CSX freight train at the crossing of Rodenberg Avenue and CSX Railroad tracks in Biloxi, MS Tuesday morning about 9:00 A.M.
Biloxi PD Sgt. Jackie Rhodes said that a crossing arm and lights are at that crossing. Unfortunately, neither the Federal Railroad Administration’s registry of grade crossings nor the photograph that appeared in The Biloxi Sun-Herald indicate the presence of gates at the Rodenberg Avenue crossing.
The train struck the small truck in the right rear, spinning it, and pinning the vehicle between the signal mast (there are flashing lights at the crossing) and the train. The victim, who police said was conscious and alert, was taken to a local hospital in undisclosed condition.