Pedestrian Killed by BNSF Train Near University of Oklahoma
(Norman, Oklahoma – September 12, 2016)
Another pedestrian tragedy has been suffered along the BNSF Railway corridor that skirts the western edge of the University of Oklahoma in Norman, OK. This time the incident occurred at about 2:25 P.M., CDT Monday afternoon near the intersection of North Constitution Street and BNSF rails that accommodate a daily average of 32 BNSF freights and Amtrak passenger trains.
The tragedy was the second this year, but one of a growing number of fatalities and serious injuries to occur between people and trains. It disrupted vehicular and Cleveland Area Rapid Transit operations for several hours as numerous BNSF grade crossings were blocked by the standing train.
No identification, by name, age, gender or city of residence was offered by authorities for the victim, whom Norman Public Information Officer Sarah Jensen confirmed was pronounced dead at the scene. Jensen also said that “We have the Norman Police Dept. Collision Investigation Reconstruction Team working to piece together what happened.”