Minnesota Semi Driver Seriously Injured at Unguarded Union Pacific Crossing
(Faribault, Minnesota – September 13, 2018)
A 77-year-old semi trailer truck driver was seriously injured Thursday afternoon at about 1:31 P.M., CDT, when his westbound 18-wheeler was struck and divided in half by a southbound Union Pacific train. The collision occurred at the dangerous and unguarded private, but heavily used, crossing leading to the Jennie O’ Turkey Store Feed Mill in Walcott Township near Faribault, MN.
Donald Weed of Dundas, MN, was rushed to and admitted in undisclosed condition at Allina District One Hospital in Faribault. First responders extricated him from the overturned cab of his tractor, which was resting on the driver’s side on the west side of UPRR tracks. The crossing carries a daily average of 10 trains at a maximum allowable speed of 50 mph. The trailer remained on the east side of the road/rail intersection which lacked any form of automatic protection like flashing lights and crossing gates.
The Rice County Sheriff’s Office was assisted by the Minnesota State Patrol in investigating the accident.