Minnesota Motorist Injured at Dangerous, Unguarded Crossing with Deadly History
(Lake Crystal, Minnesota – June 27, 2012)
A 69-year-old man from Nicollet, MN was injured Wednesday morning at the same Union Pacific Railroad crossing where two Blue Earth County employees were killed in a collision with a UPRR train nearly three years ago.
William Henry Epper was rushed to the Mayo Clinic in Mankato, MN, where he was still hospitalized in fair condition Thursday, after his 1999 Buick Century encountered a train at about 9:15 A.M. just east of Lake Crystal, MN at the County Road 112 (515 Avenue) crossing. This crossing continues to depend completely upon passive signage as “protection” for the motoring public. It is completely lacking any active warning devices such as flashing lights, bells or crossing gates, even though the crossing was the site of the July 13, 2009 double fatality.