Workers near railroads unfortunately may suffer injuries due to unsafe actions on the part of railroad companies – unsafe crossings, unkempt tracks, and inadequate safety precautions. This may include the improper handling of equipment by the railroad workers as a result of improper training or negligence, and it also includes many of the usual dangers associated with trains and railroad tracks as well. Working near railroad tracks can be a frightening experience when the railroad companies are not investing in safety precautions. If you or your workers have been injured on the job, we’re here to help you decide how to best resolve your issues and fight on your behalf.
We do not handle any railroad employee (FELA) claims. We do provide legal counsel and advocate on behalf of any other employees injured on the job near railroad tracks. If you think that this applies to you, contact our lawyers. We’ll set up a free initial consultation so you can decide what legal solution is best for you.