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Two teenagers injured at unguarded North Dakota railroad crossing

By Pottroff & Karlin LLC | railroad news

Two teenagers near Des Lacs, ND were thrown out of their car when it collided with an eastbound train on Sunday. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe freight train hit the car's front end, sending the vehicle into a nearby ditch. The teenagers had to be rescued from the vehicle, and sent to a hospital in Minot to be treated for their injuries.

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Another unguarded crossing tragedy in Missouri

By Pottroff & Karlin LLC | railroad news

A private crossing in Springfield, MO was the location of another railroad crossing fatality earlier today. A young man pulled up to the crossing in his van, was hit by an oncoming BNSF train, and died when his van burst into flames.

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Stop sign at deadly crossing: too little, too late

By Pottroff & Karlin LLC | railroad news

What's wrong with this picture: a respected citizen and grandmother in Terra Haute, IN, loses her life at an unprotected railroad crossing, while her two passengers - her granddaughters - are both admitted to ICU. In response, a stop sign is installed at the crossing.

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Ungated crossing causes tragedy for 7-year-old

By Pottroff & Karlin LLC | railroad news

Two granddaughters in Terre Haute, IN lost their grandmother last Friday to a train accident at an ungated crossing. The older of the sisters, at 11, was released from ICU rapidly, while the younger at 7 is still in intensive care. The street, Feree Drive, has three sets of unguarded tracks, including the crossing at which the tragic accident occurred.

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