Non-Gated Indiana Norfolk Southern Crossing Records 29th Accident
(Muncie, Indiana – October 5, 2011)
The non-gated crossing of Norfolk Southern Railroad tracks and McGalliard Road in Muncie, IN was the site of its 29th vehicular/train collision Wednesday afternoon about 2:00 P.M., when a Norfolk Southern freight train struck Chevrolet Impala driven by Michael L. Haskett, 54.
Haskett, who told investigators he never saw, but did hear the train, was transported to Indiana University Health Ball Memorial Hospital in Muncie with head and neck injuries. The auto, a rental vehicle owned by Hertz Corporation, was dragged a short distance from the crossing by the train, which left it in a tangled, demolished heap on the east side of the tracks.
Since the establishment of the Federal Railroad Administration’s National Railroad Crossing Inventory, the NS/McGalliard Road crossing has experienced 29 accidents since 1979 resulting in five injuries but, miraculously, no fatalities. The current protective system consists of flashing lights and bells, but no crossing gates.