Motorist Trapped On Crossing Injured When Van Struck By Amtrak Train
(Salem, Oregon – December 14, 2011)
The driver of a 15-passenger van, trapped on Union Pacific Railroad tracks at the Court Street NE crossing by traffic in downtown Salem, OR, was injured when her vehicle was struck and spun around by an Amtrak passenger train Wednesday evening about 7:45 P.M.
The driver, Barbara Bikman, 60, of Salem, was headed west and got stopped by the traffic light at Court Street and 12th Street NE, with the back of her van still on the tracks. As the crossing gates descended upon her van, she tried to get away from the tracks before the train arrived, but was unsuccessful.
The victim was taken to Salem Hospital for treatment of her injuries, but not before Salem Police gave her a citation alleging obstruction of a railroad crossing, an offense which can carry a fine in excess of $300.