Maryland Truck Driver Injured at Dangerous, Double-Track CSX Crossing
(Rosedale, MD – August 31, 2022)
Truck driver of 18 years, Al Stewart was struck by an obscured CSX freight train in Baltimore on Tuesday around 7:30 p.m. The collision occurred at the double-tracked CSX crossing of 68th Street and Lake Drive, identified as crossing #140833J.
According to investigators, surveillance video revealed that there was a stopped train idling on the tracks very near the crossing. As the truck was approaching the crossing, unbeknownst to Stewart, there was a second train hidden behind the idling train that was barreling down on the crossing. The idling train on the near tracks made it difficult, if not impossible, for drivers such as Stewart to see the hidden second train until they are on the tracks. Stewart, emphasized the difficulty of assessing whether it was safe to proceed with an idling train and the lack of any active warning devices
Investigators determined that train that hit the truck was on the opposite side of the tracks which could have impaired Stewart’s view. Another truck driver, Zach Stevens, stated the danger of the crossing by saying, “There is no guards… so it’s kind of just listening and hearing and just go.” Stevens told 11 News that his nerves when crossing intersections has not settled especially after the number of collisions each year.
The crossing that Stewart was struck at is not guarded with any sort of gate arms or illumination to stop truck drivers from crossing when their vision is impaired. About 5 trains go through the crossing per day going about 50 miles per hour. There have been four prior accidents at the crossing, three of which resulting in injuries. It is clear there need to be adjustments made to ensure its safety increasing.
CSX is still investigating the collision.