Railroad Crossing Accident Lawyers Serving Clients Nationwide
Railroad crossing accidents are much more common than most people realize. According to the Federal Railroad Administration Office of Safety Analysis, 2005 saw more than 3,000 collisions between trains and motor vehicles in the United States. And there were many other types of accidents, including trains colliding with pedestrians and passengers suffering from the train company’s negligence.
- Many train accidents result in deaths or very serious injuries, such as brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. And often, the accidents are due to negligence on the part of the train companies or employees. If you have suffered in a railroad crossing accident, the lawyers of Pottroff & Karlin, LLC can meet with you in a free initial consultation. We will charge no attorneys’ fees until you get compensation.
Leading Authorities in Train Accident Litigation
Pottroff & Karlin, LLC is one of the top railroad crossing accident firms in the country. We built our reputation by winning extremely challenging wrongful death and catastrophic injury cases involving train accidents. In one case, our lead attorney, Robert L. Pottroff, represented a train passenger injured because of the negligence of the train company. The verdict included $5.1 million in compensatory damages and $25 million in punitive damages, for a total of more than $30,000,000.00.
- Mr. Pottroff is known nationally and internationally as an authority and leading practitioner in the fields of railroad, highway, and grade crossing as well as an outspoken advocate for the rights of victims and as a proponent of railroad safety. He lectures frequently on a variety of topics including railroad crossing litigation, investigation, and discovery, cross-examination, forensics evidence, and the use of innovative technologies for litigation. His skill and reputation have brought him countless awards, including the honor of being named president of the Kansas Trial Lawyers Association.
What Is Involved in Railroad Crossing Accident Litigation?
Railroads are responsible for passenger safety and can be held liable for injuries caused by elements in their control. In a railroad crossing, a railroad company and its train crew must use reasonable care to avoid injury to anyone traveling on highways crossed by the train tracks. This issue becomes complicated when one considers that it takes about one-third of a mile to stop a train moving at an average speed. Hiring a railroad crossing lawyer who is familiar with the laws governing train accidents is crucial.
Attorneys Devoted to Railroad Crossing Safety
- Our firm is engaged in a protracted battle with the railroad industry over issues of public safety. One such public safety issue is railroad crossing deaths and disabling injuries suffered by motorists. These deaths and injuries are preventable. Our battle with railroads will persist as long as the rail industry continues to deny its responsibility for public safety at railroad crossings.
Contact Us
You are welcomed to contact our lawyers to set up a free initial consultation to talk about your railroad crossing accident. From law offices in Manhattan, Kansas, Pottroff & Karlin, LLC serves clients across the United States. Because we frequently co-counsel with out-of-state attorneys, we have gained a reputation as the leading railroad crossing accident firm in the country. Train accidents are our firm’s main focus, and we do all we can to make sure victims of railroad-related accidents find justice.
CALL NOW: 785-539-4656